Working from home through Covid – how will time judge the experience? Anecdotally “great”, “OK”, “stressful”, or “not practical” all feature in responses so far. Notably, working from home has not been a conscious choice for those affected – generally it has been thrust upon them. No one seems to doubt that major change has happened and that “work” will not revert to the way it used to be.
Many appear to have enjoyed the flexibility, and relaxed environment offered by “working from home”. Few have probably missed the long commute by car, train or bus. The flip side has been a sense of isolation and loss of social contact for some. And maybe complication of family logistics for others. Again anecdotally, some have felt anxiety without the structure and discipline of a formal workplace, with various support functions close at hand. From all advice, Covid 19 still has a long way to go.
A domestic environment, pressed to professional purpose, has been well tolerated and at times generated humour with some lighter moments. “Working from home” may offer cost benefits to employers, alhtough the productivity return may be yet for assessment. So what is the future and where does a Serviced Office sit in this “living with Covid” world?
Offering flexibility of accommodation and lease term, prefessionalism and structure, social engagement and Risk Assesed Covid management procedures, a Serviced Office appears to offer value, relevance and effectiveness – especially so if it’s close to home and a nice place to be. Hopefully you will consider Living Workspace has much to offer.
Michael Trask is the founder and Director of Living Workspace Serviced Offices, Norwest